Monday, February 6, 2012

They're After Number Four

Author's Note: I wrote this essay to tell you why the book is good and to inform you about the book. Also to tell you how the author used everyday things to write this.

I am Number Four written by Pittacus Lore is a very well written book. Lore does a very good job of describing the action. It’s like he brings you into the book and enters you into a different world of action and aliens. Also, the author brings in the seven deadly sins into the book when he uses envy and wrath. Finally the book is good because the author uses an everyday problem, like conflict into the book between the main character and the aliens that are trying to kill him. Lore does a great job writing this book while using action and every day things like the 7 deadly sins and conflict.

I don’t have a real conflict with anyone in my school. But the Mogodorians and the Loriens have a really big conflict. They are always trying to kill each other. There aren’t many people at this school who would have such a big conflict with someone that they would kill the person. Though there are people in this world that would do that though. It would be so horrible if everyone had such a temper to kill someone. Conflict happens every day in the real world and in I am Number Four.  

Envy and wrath are such horrible things and they happen everywhere. I almost always want something somebody else has. It is a 7 deadly sin to always want something someone else wants and is one of the most often broken sins. Envy is to want what somebody else has and in I am Number 4 the Mogodorians want the Loriens planet. So they decide to go to war. You see, envy starts bad things like war or even the little things like bullying or street fights.

Lore does an amazing job of describing the action takes place. You don’t need to see the movie to see the action. He plays it through your mind all through the book. When Lore is describing the action it’s like he’s bringing you into another world. Like when he was telling how the main character was lying in the grass with white fuzzy vision. Next, one of the characters was walking and the ground blew up all around him and he then described the way on how he died.

There are so many ever day things that Lore uses to tell the story and he does it so well. He uses the 7 deadly sins and conflict to add suspense into the book. Also he uses the action to give the whole book some pizzazz.

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