Monday, March 12, 2012

Alaska DBQ

Author's Note: I wrote this to tell people my thought and feelings about drilling in Alaska.

Would you like it if a government decided to flatten your house to get oil? Well, some people in congress are trying to get permission to drill for oil in the Arctic National  Wildlife Refuge, also known as ANWR. Imagine what would happen if they did that, they would kill animals like polar bears, wolves, and moose. Maybe the drilling process would take some people’s homes away and pollute the whole area. I believe that they should not be able to drill in that refuge because there would be too many bad things that would happen.

Environmental issues are probably the biggest factor though. By drilling in ANWR they would kill a lot of animals and destroy their homes, pollute the air and water, and finally the heavy machines would hurt the frail ground that everyone in Alaska stands upon. Drilling in ANWR would do nothing for the environment but just make it worse.

There are economical problems involved with this also. For example, it would take a lot of money to make the equipment and send it to Alaska. Also, you would need to build buildings and homes for people to stay and work in which would cost even more money. Eventually the costs will come to us the consumers.

There are a several bad reasons for people to not drill for oil in ANWR. One bad thing is that some people might have to move because they need to drill in that area. The second thing is that people could lose part of their fishing land which would stop giving them seafood from that area.

You see, too many bad things would happen if drillers were to start drilling, especially to the animals and their homes. We should not drill in ANWR to save the environment.

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