Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Physical Fitness

Physical fitness is an essential part of life. If you want to live a long prospering life you need to be healthy. People also like to play sports and do activities that require you to be active. You need to be in shape to play these types of activities. There are so many ways I benefit from being physically active and I am very grateful for it.

To begin with, physical fitness is important is because I get to play soccer. Soccer is one of my greatest passions in life. I would really want to play it for my career. If I was not in shape I would not be very good at soccer or I might have not played soccer at all. In playing soccer I get to be with my friends and play the only sport I want to play professionally. It also gives me the opportunity to be myself because it doesn't matter what you look like. Soccer lets me be me and shine no matter what I look like. It’s the one thing that I really excel at and it’s all because of physical fitness.

While playing soccer is dependent on physical fitness, the more important thing about physical fitness is staying healthy. Without a healthy lifestyle I could be in very bad condition and my immune system would not work properly. If that were to happen I would be more like to get sick and the sickness could get worse and worse. No matter if you’re out of shape and sick or out of shape and not it is still bad. I would hate to be not able to run because I’m too lazy and tired to run. Being out of shape wouldn't get me anywhere in life. Even in a job later in life it would be no fun to have your work friends out doing something awesome while you just outright can’t because of the shape you’re in.

Those other two factors are great but friendship is one other thing that physical fitness helps with. You can get together with your friends and do something active. It could be either playing basketball or soccer in a recreational league or just a pickup game. You could also be running partners or a spotter for one another. While you are exercising you can meet someone new too. You never know, they could be the friend you've been waiting for your whole life. Sometimes you could get into such a deep conversation that you don’t even realizing you’re working out. Overall friends help you get in shape and working out with a friend is the right way to go.

What I am really trying to say overall is that living life unhealthy and out of shape would be no fun and I would not be able to do the things I love. Health is one really important part of life and you shouldn't live it like a unhealthy blob of gelatin that leaves a decrepit trail of slime.

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